BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:spatie/icalendar-generator BEGIN:VEVENT UID:679049688ef4b SUMMARY:Applied Micro Coffee: Daniele Mauriello\, “Mental Models of Stock Market Dynamics: The Impact of Attention Allocation” DESCRIPTION:Marco Forti and Daniele Mauriello:\n“Mental Models of Stock M arket Dynamics: The Impact of Attention Allocation”\n\nDrawing on recent attention-based theories of cognition\, we investigate whether investors ’ attention to different features of the investment decision plays a ro le in determining their mental model of stock market dynamics. We propose a laboratory experiment where we infer participants’ mental models by e liciting expectations about future stock returns based on historical price patterns. By manipulating the salience of these patterns\, we assess how directing attention to different features of the decision problem shapes t he mental models investors employ. This project contributes to the behavio ral finance literature by offering novel insights into the role of attenti on in shaping investment decisions. LOCATION:IZA - Institute of Labor Economics\, Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 5-9\ , 53113 Bonn\, Germany DTSTART:20250131T100000Z DTEND:20250131T104500Z DTSTAMP:20250122T012704Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR