BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:spatie/icalendar-generator BEGIN:VEVENT UID:67904c244c5af SUMMARY:BGSE Brown Bag Seminar in Applied Micro: Iris Stornik\, “Expected Returns to Parenting Styles: Perceived Impacts on Educational Outcomes\, Mental Health\, and Self-Worth” DESCRIPTION:Iris Stornik:\n“Expected Returns to Parenting Styles: Perceiv ed Impacts on Educational Outcomes\, Mental Health\, and Self-Worth”\n\n A child’s human capital\, comprising various skills and character traits \, is significantly shaped during childhood and adolescence. The family en vironment\, particularly parents\, plays a crucial role in this developmen t. This study investigates expectations about the effects of different par enting styles on children’s human capital outcomes\, focusing on educati onal achievements\, mental health\, and self-worth. Additionally\, it expl ores how these expectations relate to parenting behaviour. The study utili ses an online survey of the German population with hypothetical parenting style vignettes to elicit expectations. Findings reveal significant variat ions in individual expectations across parenting style scenarios. On avera ge\, participants associate warm parenting styles\, such as authoritative and permissive approaches\, with the highest human capital outcomes. Heter ogeneity in expectations is partially explained by gender\, age\, and educ ational background. Furthermore\, the study suggests that participants’ parenting style choices are associated with expectations about educational outcomes and participants’ childhood parenting experiences. This study contributes to existing literature on parental investment beyond considera tions on educational achievement\, as it explores expected effects of pare nting on mental health and self-worth. The findings have implications for targeted policy interventions aimed at understanding parenting’s develop mental consequences. LOCATION:IZA - Institute of Labor Economics\, Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 5-9\ , 53113 Bonn\, Germany DTSTART:20250128T121500Z DTEND:20250128T130000Z DTSTAMP:20250122T013844Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR